Publication policies at Bena Academy for Training and Consulting

Bena Academy for Training and Consulting is a means of electronic publishing for all faculty members and sectors, and it must be used for the benefit of the colleges, their employees and their various sectors, in a manner that does not in any way prejudice the reputation of the colleges and their employees or exposes them to legal accountability. Therefore, be sure to follow the publishing policies mentioned in this document.


All content published in the pages of the site must comply with copyright and this includes but is not limited to the following:

❏ Research published in scientific conferences and scientific journals.

❏ Books and literature available in electronic formats.

❏ Any electronic material that is not owned by the owner of the page and has copyright.

Inappropriate content

This content includes the following:

❏ What contains an obscene, offensive, racist or threatening accent, whether it is a text, an image or an idea.

❏ What is contrary to state and college regulations or community norms.

❏ What is exposed to the privacy of others in any way.

Observe the rules of the language used to create the page or electronic material and ensure its integrity and free of errors.

Recency of information

You must ensure that the content of the various pages and materials is updated in a way that ensures their freshness at the time of the visit. This includes news, contact information, phone numbers, e-mail, description of articles and other information